The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" 日本 |
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© 2005 - 2006 mr christopher & Hassy
The happiest day of my life
The happiest day of my life
There was the day, the day that I met you
It blew me away a literal break-through
But as time went on there surfaced an untruth
I lie that went on...past your white wash, light shone through.
The happiest day of my life is the day I forget you
*(Forget you girl)
The happiest day of my life is the day that I break through
The happiest day of my life is the day I forget you
*(Forget you girl)
The happiest day of my life the day I forget you
A series of plays performed to perfection
Looking so real from any direction
Desiring to believe, fools can easily be deceived
With that desire gone all mirages fade away
The happiest day of my life is the day I forget you
*(Forget you girl)
The happiest day of my life is the day that I break through
The happiest day of my life is the day I forget you
*(Forget you girl)
The happiest day of my life the day I forget you
The happiest day... happiest day of my life.
The happiest day... happiest day of my life.
The happiest day of my life is the day I forget you
*(Forget you girl)
The happiest day of my life is the day that I break through
The happiest day of my life is the day I forget you
*(Forget you girl)
The happiest day of my life the day I forget you
01) THe HaPPieST DaY oF MY LiFe
© 2005 - 2006 mr christopher & Hassy An ironic song, a lot learned. Hassy, my Japanese song writing partner, and J-OBViOUS bassist, Atsushi had both been hounding me to write a more commerical "J-pop sounding" song for months and months. However culturally, we all had very different the ideas of what "commerical" and "catchy" actually meant in pop music. I decided I wanted to learn and understand their way. I had a basic pop song idea. I brought it to Hassy and said, "Please show me what you would do with this." I was referring to melody and song structure, but was told some secret "j-pop" arrangement tips as well! I was basically told the idea was to try to avoid making music which was too complex or 'too sophisticated'. To keep it straight, a bit "minor" ("Japanese like minor!") ... and lift on the choruses. I said OK. Given that my habit has always been to try to avoid cliches with a "driving originality" when composing pop songs, adhering to this formula was actually a bit frustrating for me, but I was determined to keep on and just listen to the suggestions of my successful Japanese writing partner. I found the secret to keeping my sanity during the completely new "culture shock" inducing writing process was by focusing on making the lyrics as bitingly ironic as possible. Not a problem since the English lyrical content didn't seem to matter to anyone. It's more about the sound of what's sung anyway! Being an autobiographical tale, this method even became quite therapeutic! What you hear is what came out of that experiment. It's very pop, a bit over the top in some places, but quite fresh in others. It was a new way... a new flavor for the OBViOUS. A superlative performance to point out is the bass madness of my Japanese brother, Atsushi Suzuki who came up with the song's signature slap parts. A version with an amazing alternate bridge, sung by the great Hassy, is included as a remixed bonus track on some versions of this album. The OBViOUS was especially honored when Hassy joined us to sing this collaboration for a select few live Tokyo performances. Love ya, sister!
Recorded December 27, 2006. |
01) THe HaPPieST DaY oF MY LiFe ザ・ハッピエスト・デイ・オブ・マイ・ライフ © 2005 - 2006 mr christopher & Hassy
ですから、J-popのこのやり方は、わたしにとっては少しもどかしいものでした。でも、このままやり続けて、成功を収めているわが友人の言うことを聞くことにしました。作曲過程を含め、全く新しいこの「カルチャーショック」の中で正気を保つ秘訣は、痛烈に皮肉っぽい歌詞を書くことでした。英語の歌詞の内容なんて、誰も気にしてないようだったので、問題なく取り組むことができました。大切なのは、とにかく歌詞の響きでしたから!ちなみに、これは自伝的な内容の歌詞になったので、このように書き出すことは、セラピー効果もありました!この曲はそういう実験的な試みから生まれました。とってもポップで、ところどころやり過ぎな感じがしますが、その他の部分はかなり新鮮に仕上がっています。新境地・・・新しいOBViOUS色です。特筆すべきパフォーマンスは、わたしの日本の兄弟、鈴木篤司のベースさばきでしょう。彼は、この曲を特徴づけるスラッピングを思いついてくれました。このアルバムにはいくつかの曲の別バージョンが収録されていますが、この曲も、我らがHassyがつなぎを歌ったものがリミックス・ボーナス・トラックになっています。The OBViOUSは、東京でのライブで、Hassyが何度かこのコラボ曲を歌ってくれたことを光栄に思います。
Recorded December 27, 2006. |
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