The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious日本 | Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious USA

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ファイア (ジミ・ヘンドリックス
© Jimi Hendrix 1967.

Now dig this, baby

You don't care for me
I don'-a care about that
Gotta new fool, ha!
I'm laughing at that.
I have only one burning desire
Let me stand next to your fire

Let me stand next to your fire [Repeat 4 times]

You say your mum ain't home,
it ain't my concern,
Just play with me and you won't get burned
I have only one itching desire
Let me stand next to your fire

Let me stand next to your fire [Repeat 4 times]

Ah! Move over, Rover
And let Mister C take over
Yeah, you know what I'm talking 'bout
I've just gotta give you a big wet kiss girl.


Nah nah nah naaaaah. Oooooo!

Come on over baby, now!
And dig this:

You wanna to gimme your money
you better save it, babe
Save it for your rainy day
I have only one burning desire
Let me stand next to your fire

Let me stand next to your fire [Repeat]

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© Jimi Hendrix 1967.

Jimi Hendix and I have always had a strange relationship in my head. 

I liked Jimi... but didn't understand Jimi. I liked his hits. I loved his clothes. I just wasn't a huge fan originally. I couldn't 'get' his "far out" sense of humor, until much later. What is most notable about him is his oneness with his instrument. He played with complete abandon. I was shown how to appreciate Jimi and practice such a relationship with my guitar from my teacher Stan Lassiter. (I now regularly practice calculated unpredictability when I perform thanks to Jimi, by way of Stan. Now it amazes me to think that I was born and living in the same city as Jimi was (NYC) during his most prolific historic years. The strangest part of our "strange relationship" however, is that Jimi Hendrix and I share a 2-degree of separation through my father.

You see, when my parents were struggling actors in New York (on and off Broadway) my father's best friend was the drummer for the band Cat Mother and the All Night News Boys. My father was asked to join Cat Mother but yet didn't because he had a new son to take care of, moi. Ironically, Cat Mother's first album was produced by, none other than, Jimi Hendrix. "FiRe" was the song that best represented the best parts of the Jimi Hendrix Experience: Groove, intensity, simplicity and humor. Our version is somewhere tempo-wise between the Experience's version and the Red Hot Chili Pepper version.  Atsushi is the featured bassist on our version. Brad chimes in with his distinctive harmony: "let me stand next to your fi-yaa." Tim nailed this in one take.

"... save it for your rainy day... "

Recorded December 27, 2007.

16) BONUS TRACK:  FiRe  (Jimi Hendrix) ボーナス・トラック: ファイア (ジミ・ヘンドリックス)
© Jimi Hendrix 1967.



"... save it for your rainy day... "


The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" on: Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious日本 | Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious USA

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