The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" 日本 |
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SMiLE (ニコニコ)
© mr christopher 2007~ 2010
Twist that frown around
Turn it upside down... and Smile.
Turn Your frown around
Turn it upside down... and Smile.
And Smile when you think It's over
Just smile.. and think it over.
Why become annoyed when there's dilemmas to enjoy
Now (Don't you!) get annoyed
There's dilemmas to enjoy... just (SMILE SMILE)
And smile when you think It's over.
Just smile.. and think it over.
Yeah Smile.
And Smile when you think It's over
Just smile.. and think it over.
Smile Boys...
When there's no more to say
Take a facial holiday... and SMiLE
Your head'll turn around (when you've)
Taken-ita-outta-the ground
... to Smile
And Smile when you think It's over
Just smile.. and think it over.
Yeah Smile.
02) SMiLE © mr christopher 2007~ 2010 If you like power walking.. this is the tune to start with. In 2007, the band was performing regularly in Tokyo. We needed some more up-tempo material for the live clubs, so I started writing. The guitar riff came first... then the egg... no, I meant the lyrics. '-) On the demo, I looped the riff, over and over and recorded a single take of singing silly nonsense for 8 minutes as an experiment. The "get off your ass" self-motivational lyrics took shape from there. Also, during my Florida recording session with Brad and Tim, my lovely daughter recognized and pointed out a simple missed lyrical opportunity. Much to her credit, her suggestion was kept in this, the final version. Chip off the old block, she is! ;) The song marks the return of my "sitar-sounding guitar playing" and also includes some of the best background vocal work Brad and I have done. Tim's huge 'locomotion of groove is also featured. Smile baby.. .and think it over. "Why become annoyed when there's dilemmas to enjoy? Smile!" Recorded December 28, 2007. |
02) SMiLE スマイル (ニコニコ) © mr christopher 2007~ 2010 パワーウォーキングがお好きなら、この曲でスタートするのがぴったり。2007年、わたしたちは東京で定期的にライブをしていました。ライブハウス用にもっとアップテンポな曲が必要だったので、曲作りを始めました。ギター・リフが先か・・・卵が先か。・・・いやいや、卵ではなくて、歌詞ですね(笑)。(ギター・リフが最初に出来ました。)デモでは、ギターリフをつなげて何度も何度も繰り返すようにし、実験的に、8分間ぶっ続けでわけのわからないことを歌い続けるテイクを録音してみました。喝を入れるような歌詞もそのあたりで出来上がってきました。また、ブラッドとティムとフロリダでセッション中、愛娘が、歌詞に足りない部分に気が付いて教えてくれました。すごいのは、娘のアイディアは最終バージョン、つまりこのアルバムにまで使われているということです。血は争えませんね(笑)。この曲は、わたしの「シタール調ギタープレイ」の復活といい、ブラッドとわたしのバックコーラスの出来栄えといい、記念すべき一曲です。ティムの怒涛のドラムさばきも見ものです。スマイル、ベイビー・・・そしてよく考えてごらん。 "Why become annoyed when there's dilemmas to enjoy? Smile!" 2007年12月28日録音。 |
The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" on: iTunes Japan | iTunes USA
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