The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" 日本 |
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aDaCHi-SaN アダチ-サン
© mr christopher, July 27 ~ August 6, 2005.
There's a girl thatI know well (Adachi-san)
Seems that I'm ca ught in her spell (Adachi-san)
She's the one I can't get over
Hope before I get much older
Puts her head upon my shoulder
She's the girl with two red lips (Adachi-san)
Sends my heart on lunar trips (Adachi-san)
She's the one I can't get over
Hope before I get much older2
Puts her head upon my shoulder
Always playing with her hair (Adachi-san)
Makes believe she doesn't care (Adachi-san)
She's the one I can't get over
Hope before I get much older
Puts her head upon my shoulder
Finds love letters on her desk (Adachi-san)
They're returned to my address (Adachi-san)
She's the one I can't get over
Hope before I get much older
Puts her head upon my shoulder
She says she will marry me (Adachi-san)
At least she says so in all my dreams (Adachi-san)
She's the one I can't get over
Hope before I get much older
Puts her head upon my shoulder
10) aDaCHi-SaN アダチ-サン © mr christopher, July 27 ~ August 6, 2005. I was invited to a rare sacred Japanese ritual called the "company drinking party." I was very pleased that the guest list included a very lovely female employee "that I know well" who I discovered was engaged to be married. Now, some men would see this as a challenge... I merely saw it as a song writing opportunity. I announced, somewhat boastfully, that I could write her a song which would capture her essence. She looked at me somewhat confused, as people usually do... but I did manage to make her smile when I delivered song a week later. End of story. "What?!" you say. Well, I knew there was no chance of changing a woman's mind once she had made it up ... so I walked away. However, I am, to this day, completely (well, nearly) consoled by the fact that I have yet another amusing song in my catalog, inspired from meeting such a kind, memorable woman. Years later... "aDaCHi-san" came up as the last on the list of songs to be recorded. The album was needing just such a light carefree novelty big-band type song, just as we had done years earlier on our second album with "I'd Give The World For You". However, that meant that once again (oh no!) Brad would have to dust off his old Trombone! He wasn't happy. He hasn't forgive me since. (Love you, man!)
Recorded December 27, 2009. |
10) aDaCHi-SaN アダチ-サン © mr christopher, July 27 ~ August 6, 2005. わたしは、「飲み会」と言われる、日本の神聖な儀式にお呼ばれしたことがあります。わたしが「良く知っている」(と言いたい)とても可愛い女子社員も、参加者リストに載っていて、わたしはうれしくなりました。でもあとで、彼女は婚約していることがわかったのです。さて、一部の諸兄は、この状況を一種の挑戦だとお考えになるかもしれませんね。・・・わたしはただ、曲を書くのにいい機会だと思いました。そこで、わたしはちょっと得意げに、彼女のことを歌にしてみせるよ、と言ってみました。よく人がするように、彼女はちょっと戸惑ってわたしを見つめました。が、1週間後、約束通り曲を仕上げて披露した時には、彼女に微笑んでもらえました。以上です。 「それだけ?!」っておっしゃるでしょうね。でも、女性が一度決意を固めたら、わたしがそれを変えることなんて出来ないとわかっていました。・・・だから、何もしなかったのです。ただ、あんな優しく魅力的な女性との出会いで、新しく楽しい曲を書くことができるんだ、とわかったことが、今でもすごく慰めになっています。数年が過ぎて、「アダチ-サン」は収録曲リストの最後に上がって来ました。数年前のセカンド・アルバムの曲「アイド・ギブ・ザ・ワールド・フォー・ユー」でやったように、このアルバムでも、お気楽な目新しいジャズ・オーケストラ風の曲が必要でしたので。ですが、それによって、またしても(!)ブラッドがトロンボーンを引っ張り出してくるハメになったのです。ブラッドは喜んじゃいませんでしたね。わたしをまだ許してくれていません。(愛してるよ、兄弟!)
2009年12月27日録音。 |
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